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School of Frontier Missions


To the ends of the earth.

School of Frontier Missions

Get Trained. Get Sent. Go after the Unreached

3 Months of Preparation. 6 month - 2 year Outreach.

Ready to get sent out into the mission field long term? Ready to build and create ministry in a cross-cultural context? The School of Frontier Missions is designed for YWAM Missionaries to be trained and sent out to frontier nations for 6 months – 2 years. Get trained in how to build ministry in unreached nations. get connected with eisiting long term teams, and learn to thrive with Jesus on the missionfeild.

3 Months of Preparation. 6 month - 2 year Outreach.

Ready to get sent out into the mission field long term? Ready to build and create ministry in a cross-cultural context? The School of Frontier Missions is designed for YWAM Missionaries to be trained and sent out to frontier nations for 6 months – 2 years. Get trained in how to build ministry in unreached nations. get connected with eisiting long term teams, and learn to thrive with Jesus on the missionfeild.

Get Equipped

You will be equipped to thrive in a foreign context and trained up with effective discipleship strategies for your desired nation or people group. Get ready to learn about language acquisition, spiritual warfare, business as mission, church planting, and much more. You will be thoroughly equipped to bring The Kingdom to the nations.

Get Equipped

You will be equipped to thrive in a foreign context and trained up with effective discipleship strategies for your desired nation or people group. Get ready to learn about language acquisition, spiritual warfare, business as mission, church planting, and much more. You will be thoroughly equipped to bring The Kingdom to the nations.

Get Equipped

You will be equipped to thrive in a foreign context and trained up with effective discipleship strategies for your desired nation or people group. Get ready to learn about language acquisition, spiritual warfare, business as mission, church planting, and much more. You will be thoroughly equipped to bring The Kingdom to the nations.

Get Connected

We believe that functioning in teams is the best strategy for fruitfulness and longevity. Whether it’s building a team with your fellow classmates, or joining a team already in your desired country, we’ll make sure you are connected and have support, know how to manage interpersonal relationships on and off the field, and how to have, build, and nurture healthy community. We will also be your home base and covering during this season.

Get Connected

We believe that functioning in teams is the best strategy for fruitfulness and longevity. Whether it’s building a team with your fellow classmates, or joining a team already in your desired country, we’ll make sure you are connected and have support, know how to manage interpersonal relationships on and off the field, and how to have, build, and nurture healthy community. We will also be your home base and covering during this season.

Get Connected

We believe that functioning in teams is the best strategy for fruitfulness and longevity. Whether it’s building a team with your fellow classmates, or joining a team already in your desired country, we’ll make sure you are connected and have support, know how to manage interpersonal relationships on and off the field, and how to have, build, and nurture healthy community. We will also be your home base and covering during this season.

Get Sent

For 6 months to 2 years, you’ll be sent out on mission to your desired location, under the covering and care of YWAM Nashville. You will be the answer to the prayer for more laborers.

Get Sent

For 6 months to 2 years, you’ll be sent out on mission to your desired location, under the covering and care of YWAM Nashville. You will be the answer to the prayer for more laborers.


2025: Starts September 22nd


Lecture Phase: $4,000

Outreach Phase: You will raise the outreach costs during the school


Food: Our Kitchen will be available 

Housing: Housing is dormitory-style


2025: Starts September 22nd


Lecture Phase: $4,000

Outreach Phase: You will raise the outreach costs during the school


Food: Our Kitchen will be available 

Housing: Housing is dormitory-style





September 22nd, 2025

Lecture Phase:

Outreach Phase:


You will raise the outreach costs during the school



Our Kitchen will be available 

Housing is dormitory-style

About YWAM Nashville

YWAM Nashville is a missional community that is located on a 136-acre property 40 minutes north of downtown Nashville. We are statically located between Logan County where the second great awakening started, and the city of Nashville which was birthed out of revival. Our campus has been sending missionaries into the nations since 1996, with long-term teams currently in the Horn of Africa, Romania, Central Asia, and West Asia. YWAM Nashville’s focus is on Worship, Revival,  Family, and reaching unreached people groups in the city of Nashville. We currently have 29 amazing staff serving our campus and reaching the nations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The SOFM is designed to train and equip missionaries to be sent out to the nation of their choice. Each student will choose the nation of their outreach.

The only requirements for SOFM are the completion of a registered YWAM DTS and an excitement to change the nation!

The week of Thanksgiving is included in the 12 teaching weeks, so we ask that people don’t make plans outside of the base. For Christmas break we give the last 10 days of December off and we ask that all students who are able return to their homes for that time.

Website Maintenance occurring. Sorry for the incontinence.

YWAM is an interdenominational apostolic missions movement. We accept people from all parts of Christ’s Body.

During the SOFM you will work together to fundraise for your extended outreach with fellow students. the only financial deadline is the requirement of the lecture phase $4,000 before plane tickets are purchased.

Don’t worry! There are multiple checkups during the SOFM outreach. During these checkups, you have the opportunity to come home or switch your outreach location.

Got Questions?

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